Wanneroo BasketBall Association

WABL Managers

Team Managers play an important role in every WABL team. It is a requirement for each team to have a Manager and this role is normally filled by a parent.

The Team Manager is required to fulfill a number of operational duties to ensure the teams activities and communications run smoothly.
This may include:

  • Organising team schedules and events
  • Helping the Coach with operational requirements
  • Provide immediate assistance and comfort to injured players
  • Provide water and towels to players during games
  • Roster parent scorers for each game
  • Wash team playing jerseys
  • Collect money for team payments as required
  • Other duties as required to assist the Head Coach

Team Managers will be given a handbook and a Code of Conduct upon selection.

If you are interested in becoming a Team Manager, please contact: wabl@wolves.asn.au

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